Basic directions on how to replace an asbestos church roof
How to Repair a Slate Church Roof
Basic instructions on how to repair a slate church roof
Contractor’s Devotion: Lightning Protection
Contractor’s Devotion is a Christian devotional. In this post we find meaning in lightning protection on a steeple.
Contractor’s Devotion: The Saw
Contractor’s Devotion is a Christian devotional. In this post we find meaning in a saw in the Master Builder’s hands.
Contractor’s Devotion: Slate Church Roof
Contractor’s Devotion is a Christian devotional. In this post we find meaning in a slate church roof.
Contractor’s Devotion: Steeple Repairs
Contractor’s Devotion is a Christian devotional. In this post we find meaning in our church steeple repairs.
Contractor’s Devotion: The Hammer
Contractor’s Devotion is a Christian devotional. In this post we find meaning in a hammer in the Master Builder’s hand
What is a Steeplejack
Today’s steeplejacks are highly skilled and trained professionals who often use specialized equipment and techniques to work at great heights,