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Inspired Heights services for church steeple repairs - new construction, painting, roofing

Church Steeple Repairs

As a steeplejack contractor our trained professionals are able to repair, rebuild and restore what may be inaccessible to most other tradesmen for a fraction of the cost typically associated with high work.

Inspired Heights church window repairs - painting, repairs, stained glass and storm windows

Church Window Repairs

Our artisans and craftsmen can maintain and restore your church windows through church window repairs, painting , glazing, glass and stained glass repair and replacement and low visibility storm window systems.

Inspired Heights sanctuary renovations - plaster, painting, iconic art, furnishings

Sanctuary Renovations

The church sanctuary or nave is a place of awe. This may be accomplished through a high ceilings, gold leafing, murals and religious icons. These artistic expressions of faith require the specialized care offered by Inspired Heights.

Church painters and exteriors - painting, roofs, windows, masonry

Church Painters

Exterior church painting and restoration is often hindered by soaring heights and steep pitches. This is further complicated by lead paints and years of built up coatings. Inspired Heights are experienced high workers who know historic paints and coatings