Christian Mentorship
In 2005 Inspired Heights began a Christian mentorship program to help ex-offenders “rise” to new heights… Inspired Heights!
Occupational Training
The occupational mentoring consists of general job skill training and specialized training in the construction trades. These may include roofing, carpentry, painting, stone restoration, sheet metal work, tuck pointing, and more. The specific trades available will be determined by the current projects and the participant’s aptitude.
Life Skill Development
The mentoring program also addresses other areas of life necessary to live productive, overcoming lives. Such topics include addiction recovery, anger management, life after incarceration, and financial discipline. The studies are discussed as part of a discipleship class that participants must attend.
Spiritual Discipleship
Every element of Inspired Height’s mentoring program incorporates the Christian life. The participants are taught and expected to work, study, and live according to Biblical principles. Every morning begins with prayer and Bible study and it is required for everyone to attend a Bible believing Christian church at least twice a week.
He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need. — Ephesians 4:28